Key Info
Catch-up Funding
New Starters 2024
Our Curriculum
Partnership Working
PE and Sports Premium
Pupil Premium
School Development Plan
School Policies
School Development Plan
Each year we publish a School Development Plan (SDP) which identifies how we can further improve and develop the work of the school, how we will manage change, and how we can make best use of resources and new opportunities available to us.
School Development Plan 2023-24
* Embed the strategy for reading and phonics skills from EYFS to KS1
* Further develop early writing skills to maximize outcomes at end of KS1
* Develop Maths Mastery within the curriculum for Maths.
* Develop strategies for behaviour and self regulation across all year groups (Zones of Regulation)
* Further develop Forest School Provision
* To improve the attendance of vulnerable or SEND children