School Travel Plan

Haddenham Community Infant School Travel Plan
At HCIS we have an active Good School Travel Plan and are passionate about improving road safety for our Children. Our School Travel Plan also promotes healthy lifestyles by making active journeys to and from school. 
Our STP team are:-
Mrs Busby - STP Lead
Mrs McNeil - Headteacher
Mrs Conboy - STP Governor 
4 Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO's)
Please see our 5 minute walking bubble map below.



Parking too near to school entrances puts children in danger!


The area outside our school is busy in the morning and at the end of the school day. Parents who park close to entrances act irresponsibly, potentially placing children in danger. The ‘School Keep Clear’ Zig Zags should maintain an area free from parked cars. This allows children and parents walking in and out of school to cross safely, where they can see and be seen by approaching traffic.


Using the car less would help reduce the congestion and danger


Many children are driven to school when they could easily walk part or all of the way. Walking has various benefits. It:-

  •        Helps keep children fit and healthy.
  •        Develops traffic awareness skills.
  •        Keeps the environment cleaner.
  •        Reduces traffic outside school at starting and finishing times.
Please think before you park and do not:
  • Park on the 'School keep clear' zig zags
  • Park on the pavements or grass verges surrounding the school
  • Park in the school staff car park
Haddenham Safe Walking and Cycling Group HADDSWAC
We work hand in hand with our local community including HADDSWAC, HCJS and Haddenham St Mary's School. Please see the link below to HADDSWAC's latest newsletter:-