

At Haddenham Community Infant School we are a one form entry infant school with 30 children per class.  We warmly welcome our children into The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), full time, in the school year they are turning five.  From September you are welcome to book a visit and have the opportunity to see the children in action, meet staff and ask questions.


Applications for entry to Haddenham Community Infant School must be on the Common Application Form or the online form of the local authority in which the parents live at the time of application (the home LA) which may not be Buckinghamshire. The home LA Common Application Form should be returned to that LA by the deadline date in January each year. Parents will be notified of the results of their applications by the home LA.


In the event of oversubscription the Local Authority holds the waiting lists and pupils will be admitted to the school if a place becomes available of if there are other circumstances such as Special Educational Needs (SEND) and disabilities or if the pupils are Looked after children.


Please follow the link to Buckinghamshire Council's Admission page


Buckinghamshire Council - applying for a Primary School place


Admissions Policy 2025


It is our aim to create a love of learning in a nurturing environment to ensure all our children have a wonderful start to school life.


We run an extensive 'New Starters' programme where children starting school with us in the Early Years Foundation Stage have sessions in school to meet the teachers, become familiar with the new surroundings and discover school life prior to starting school.


Open Days

We hold Open Days in the Autumn Term each year to enable parents to visit to see what Haddenham Community Infant School has to offer their child. 

The open days consist of:

- A short welcome talk in the school hall with Mrs McNeil followed by Q&A.

- 'Meet our school'

- Take a walk around the school and observe the activities taking place in the various learning areas.

If you would like to book onto our open days please contact the School Office on 01844 291207 or email 

Admissions - Process

We publish the key dates for applying for a school place with us as they become available from Buckinghamshire County Council on our website page.  If you are looking for a place currently please visit:

Directgov schools website please click here