Religious Education at Haddenham Community Infant School
Pupils at HCIS can expect an RE curriculum that enables pupils to acquire a developing knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice in the main while taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions as recommended in the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus 2016-21 so that our children are able to go on to have a deeper understanding of others and have religiously literate conversations as they enter the wider world. Teaching and learning in our school uses an approach that engages with biblical text and theological ideas.
Our RE curriculum engages and challenges our pupils through an exploration of core concepts and questions. The units and faiths that we teach have been carefully considered recognising the variety of religious and non-religious families from which our pupils come. We welcome and celebrate this diversity, are sensitive to the home background of each child and work to ensure that all pupils feel and are included in our Religious Education. We recognise the importance of pupils’ all-round personal development and the role that RE and our school values play in contributing to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children. We affirm the equality of importance of the aims of RE as expressed in the agreed syllabus which are learning about religion and learning from religion and teach to these in a balanced way.
By the time the children at HCIS leave the school they will be able to:
- Talk about their own beliefs and morals and be able to ask and answer questions about religion with developing informed opinions.
- Show respect, tolerance and understanding for all those around them including themselves.
- Demonstrate their understanding of religion through use of the correct vocabulary, explanations and respectful opinions.
- develop a sense of themselves as significant, unique and precious.
Useful Websites
The School Run:
BBC Bitesize: