Remote Learning Guide

Here is a suggested timetable for you to follow; it is similar to what you would be doing in the week in school. You can follow exactly, or change it up. There is a focus for each lesson explaining what you will learn, a main lesson and a challenge afterwards if you would like to complete it. There will sometimes be links to lesson videos and if there are any files to look at or download these will be in the normal section in the homework part of the website. Most of the lessons are ‘online’ so as to provide a teaching content and limit printing, if you are finding it difficult to access these please let us know or feel free to change the lesson by taking it ‘offline’ and adapting it.


Try and upload some of your work each and we can provide feedback on what you have done- if you have any problems let us know!


Please don’t feel that you need to complete every lesson in the day or follow it exactly in order- whatever works best for you. Remember to read for a minimum 10 minutes every day to someone in your house or to yourself. You can choose any reading material you like or access our reading scheme for an ebook on

A suggested timetable to get you through the day
9.00 - 10.00 Morning Exercise
Family Walk
Joe Wickes or
CBeebies Exercise with Andy
10.00 - 11.00 Learning Time
Online website platform
Purple Mash
11.00 - 12.00 Creative Time Lego, Drawing, Crafting, Baking
12.00 Lunch Time  
1.00 - 2.00 Learning Time
Online website platform
Purple Mash
IPad games
Educational Show (there's lots out there)
2.00 - 2.30 Quiet time Reading to sibling or parent
2.30 - 3.30 Afternoon Fresh Air Bikes, walking the dog, playing outside in the garden
3.30 - 5.00 Free TV Time Children's TV shows
5.00 Dinner  

Some children may find it easier to be in a school type routine and doing lots of activities however this is not for all children for every day as they may find they are struggling with Mum or Dad as a parent as well as being their teacher at home.  Please take each day as it comes and do your best.
* Designate a space in your house for home learning so children have somewhere comfortable and can get into a routine and safe space to work.
* If going online, to be aware of the sites they are accessing as well as being aware of any correspondence they do via email/messaging to their teacher.  (The children are not able to message each other, only their class teacher and me).  Any messages that are sent to teachers will be responded to within school hours 9.00 - 3.15 so please do be patient if you happen to email outside of these times, we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.  This facility is for the children only and if as a parent you wish to contact a member of staff please can we ask that you do so via the office email in the usual way.
* If children are posting any of their work online to the platform please ensure they have gained your permission before uploading.
* As you can see from the timetable we would not expect children to be sitting at  home learning for 6 hours (the time they would normally be in school).  We suggest around 3 hours of home learning split across the whole day.  Concentration spans and wriggly little people cannot sustain long periods of sitting still.
* Please take care of each other and do the best you can.  We are all learning at the same time here in this strange situation.